Two Women at a Window by Bartolomé Murillo

Two Women at a Window - Bartolomé Esteban Murillo

Concerning Bartolomé Esteban Murillo’s painting Two Women at a Window:

• How a painting from the 1600s still feels fresh and fun.
• Symbolic shutters and borders in Two Women at a Window.
• A charming bond between knowing servant and naive girl.
• Frequently Asked Questions including, “What is surprising about the painting Two Women at a Window?”

The Cardsharps by Michelangelo Caravaggio

The Cardsharps by Caravaggio

Caravaggio created this painting when he was broke and unknown. Then he chanced upon rich gambler Cardinal de Monte, who loved this piece. It was a lucky draw for the young painter. He’d snagged himself an influential and rich patron.

Las Meninas By Diego Velázquez


The iconic Las Meninas by Diego Velázquez gives us an intimate perspective on a secret world. This portrait of Spain’s King Philip IV reveals the inner court. We see the Infanta Margarita Theresa at center. She’s surrounded with a collection of servants.

EOW on Her Blue Eiderdown II by Frank Auerbach

Frank Auerbach - EOW in Her Blue Eiderdown

The painting EOW on Her Blue Eiderdown II presents us with seductive obscurity. Frank Auerbach was a true romantic and it shows here. This painting may seem blunt at first. But the piece demands a deeper look.

Nude in the Bath by Pierre Bonnard

Nude in the Bath by Pierre Bonnard

Gossip labeled that star of Nude in the Bath as “difficult”. But Pierre Bonnard delighted in her glorious colors:

• Nude in the Bath‘s otherworld feels like love.
• Marthe de Méligny – model, wife, and muse.
• Including Frequently Asked Questions like, ” Why are Pierre Bonnard’s Nude in the Bath paintings important?”