Untitled (Man Smoking/Malcolm X) – Carrie Mae Weems
What makes Untitled (Man Smoking/Malcolm X) by Carrie Mae Weems a masterpiece?
– Malcolm X in a supporting role
– Where Black America meets the globe
– Arm wrestling, poker, and booze
What makes Untitled (Man Smoking/Malcolm X) by Carrie Mae Weems a masterpiece?
– Malcolm X in a supporting role
– Where Black America meets the globe
– Arm wrestling, poker, and booze
Why does Cindy Sherman’s photograph Untitled Film Still 35 looks so familiar?
– Soft core porn set the rules
– Stereotypes beware Cindy Sherman’s face
– Setting the stage for ankles in Untitled Film Still 35
Table of contents for Hartley on the Rocking Horse by Alice Neel.
– Home is where the work is
– Time portrayed in Hartley on the Rocking Horse
– Feminism and the many penises of Joe Gould
Angela Davis made history with a powerful and poignant voice. Her work began in the sixties Civil Right movement and continues today. Scholar, activist, writer, and all around badass, she exemplifies strength.