De Style by Kerry James Marshall


Why is Kerry James Marshall’s painting De Style so perfect for this moment?

– Where South Central LA meets the 1917 Netherlands
– Barbershop as cultural oasis
– Whimsy and gravity unite on canvas

Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps

Napoleon-Leading-the-Army-over-the-Alps-kehinde wiley

What makes Kehinde Wiley’s painting Napoleon Leading the Army over the Alps a masterpiece?

– Strategic opposition in casting
– War bleeds – Africa glitters gold
– The field of power reframed

From Slavery Through Reconstruction – Aaron Douglas

From-Slavery-to-Reconstruction- Aaron-Douglas

What makes the Aaron Douglas painting From Slavery Through Reconstruction significant?

– Harlem Renaissance revival murals
– The watermarks of yesteryear teach us today
– Racism and Outcry in From Slavery Through Reconstruction

Hartley on the Rocking Horse by Alice Neel

Hartley on the Rocking Horse by Alice Neel

Table of contents for Hartley on the Rocking Horse by Alice Neel.

– Home is where the work is
– Time portrayed in Hartley on the Rocking Horse
– Feminism and the many penises of Joe Gould

I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold by Charles Demuth

I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold by Charles Demuth

Why is Charles Demuth’s I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold one the top 100 NYC paintings?

– Artistic friendship on a poster portrait
– I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold‘s vibrant electricity
– William Carlos Williams named 3 times