Rosy Fingered Dawn at Louse Point by Willem de Kooning
What does Willem de Kooning evoke in the painting Rosy Fingered Dawn at Louse Point?
• Homeric phrases and Long Island
• De Kooning’s gestural impact
• Landscape ladies
What does Willem de Kooning evoke in the painting Rosy Fingered Dawn at Louse Point?
• Homeric phrases and Long Island
• De Kooning’s gestural impact
• Landscape ladies
What’s so special about Arctic Tern, the Audubon bird painting?
• Audubon – hunter turned lover
• Blue moves the Arctic Tern
• Feet make the bird
You know it. You might even love it. But why is Nighthawks by Edward Hopper so cool?
• Isolated details
• Smoking as distraction in Nighthawks
• Light patches create composition
• Lonely, anonymous birds
Learn the following about the White Flag painting by Jasper Johns:
• Is White Flag even white?
• What’s lacking and better for it.
• Johns and Rauschenberg – inspirations
LadyKflo’s Art Blog post about the 110 Express painting covers:
• How Robert Rauschenberg stops thoughts
• Red stripe unity
• Where de Kooning meets Warhol
This blog investigates several aspects of The Lackawanna Valley painting such as:
• Why the train?
• George Inness’s rejection
• Opposites in harmony